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Cancellation Policy; 
Photography and Video Release;
Alcohol and Cannabis Policy;
On Time Participation; 
Youth Participant Release and Waiver; and
Adult Participant Release and Waiver

You agree to the following for your own participation or for the participation of your child / ward you register in a Glenmore Sailing Club program.

Cancellation Policy

    Notice of cancellation or registration changes must be emailed to

    Youth Camps, Collegiate and Keelboat Courses

    • e-mailed notification of withdrawal from a program on or before 15 days prior to the start date of a program results in a refund of half of original fees.
    • e-mailed notification of withdrawal/change from a program on or after 14 days prior to the start date of a program results in no refund.
    • If a program vacancy is filled by another participant, the original participant shall be refunded in full less the Administration Fee.
    • Changing a registration from one program or course date to another is subject to the Administration Fee (with an exception for youth summer camp registration date / course changes made within the first week after registration.)
    • The Administration Fee for program cancellation or date change is $75 (must be more that 2 weeks till course).
    • Cancellation example: 15 days or greater notice for a program starting on Monday July 24 would be on or before Sunday July 9th.
    • Refunds are not provided due to weather.

    Women, Wind and Wine

    • No refunds, all registrations are final.
    • If you are unable to attend, you can gift or sell (at a rate equal to or less than what you paid) to another person of legal drinking age in Alberta. If an event is canceled by the Club, participant fees are fully refunded.

    Boys, Boats and Beers

    • No refunds, all registrations are final.
    • If you are unable to attend, you can gift or sell (at a rate equal to or less than what you paid) to another person of legal drinking age in Alberta. If an event is canceled by the Club, participant fees are fully refunded.

    Tiller Time

    • No refunds, all registrations are final.
    • If you are unable to attend, you can gift or sell your registration to another eligible individual. If an event is canceled by the Club, participant fees are fully refunded.

    All other fee-based programs

    - $75 administration fee per cancellation. If a program / event is cancelled by the Club for weather reasons, participant fees are refunded.

    Photography and Video Release

    Sailing is photogenic. While engaged in sailing, instructors, Glenmore Sailing Club members, other representatives of the Glenmore Sailing Club, or members of the general public may take photographs or video of participants, family, friends and others in the environment of the sailing or land-based camp activities.

    Photos and videos taken by instructors, Glenmore Sailing Club members, or other representatives of the Glenmore Sailing Club may be displayed at the Club, on the Glenmore Sailing Club website or in Glenmore Sailing Club materials to promote sailing, the Glenmore Sailing Club or other purposes in alignment with the objectives of the Glenmore Sailing Club.

    Names of individuals in photographs or videos are not used with the Club's photos or videos. Credit is typically not provided for photos or videos.

        Alcohol and Cannabis Policy

        Any participant under the influence of alcohol or cannabis shall forfeit their fees and for safety reasons shall be declined program participation on any boat and may be declined entry to the sailing club.

        On Time Participation

        Participants should plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before the scheduled start time. This allows for Sailing Safety Overviews or last minute bio breaks and allows all participants to enjoy starting a program on time. Participants arriving late are advised to stand on the dock and instructors or coaches will return to the dock to pick up late participants. Reductions nor refunds are provided for individuals arriving late.

        Youth Participant Release and Waiver

        In consideration of the Glenmore Sailing Club allowing my child / ward to participate in a Camp or Lesson program, I, on behalf of myself and my child, hereby release the Host venue, the Glenmore Sailing Club, and their respective officers, directors and members, volunteers, parents of other children, and other participants from any claims or causes of action that may arise as a result of my child's / ward's, or my, participation. This includes claims in respect to death, injury, loss or damage to my child / ward or my property, howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with my child / ward taking part in this program notwithstanding that the loss may have been contributed to or caused or occasioned by the negligence of the above entities, or their agents, officials, servants, or representatives.

        I acknowledge that by participating in this program my child / ward may be subjected to risks of injury of every nature. My child's / ward's activities may include the maneuvering of a sailboat or other watercraft in deep waters and in potentially hazardous conditions which could include, among other risks, cold water temperatures with exposure to hypothermia, strong winds and high waves, sudden and unexpected immersion in deep waters as well as collision with other watercraft or stationary objects such as docks, pilings and buoys. In the event my child / ward or other family member or anyone on behalf of my child / ward should attempt to pursue any claim against any of the above released parties, I hereby agree to hold harmless and to indemnify such parties from any and all claims that may be brought against them including actual legal fees or costs that may be incurred in defending such claims.

        I accept responsibility to determine whether my child / ward should be participating. I also agree that my child / ward and I are also bound by all applicable rules which may govern my child's / ward's participation in this event.

        This Release, Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement is intended by me to be without exception. It applies to any and all claims that might arise under any theory of liability.

        Adult Participant Release and Waiver

        In consideration of my participation in an activity at / with the Glenmore Sailing Club, I hereby release the Glenmore Sailing Club and its officers, directors and members, volunteers, and other participants from any claims that may arise as a result of my participation. This includes demands with respect to death, injury, loss or damage to me or my property, howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with my taking part in this activity notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or caused or occasioned by the negligence of the same bodies, or any of them, or their agents, officials, servants, or representatives. I hereby agree to hold harmless and to indemnify such parties from any and all claims that may be brought against them including actual attorney's fees or costs that may be incurred in defending such claims. I accept responsibility to determine whether I should be participating. I also agree that I am bound by any rules which may govern my participation in this event. This Agreement is intended to be without exception. It applies to any and all claims that might arise under any theory of liability.

        I acknowledge that by participating in this activity I may be subjected to risks of injury of every nature. My activities may include the maneuvering of a sailboat in deep waters and in potentially hazardous conditions which could include, among other risks, cold water temperatures with exposure to hypothermia, strong winds and high waves, sudden and unexpected immersion in deep waters as well as collision with other watercraft or stationary objects.


        • Grammatical errors shall not reduce or nullify this agreement.

        Club Location:
        8601 24 St SW, Calgary, AB T2V 5H9
        (South Glenmore Park) - view map

        The Club is fully wheelchair accessible.

        Mailing Address:
        Box 72107, Glenmore Landing PO
        Calgary, Alberta T2V 5H9

        Phone: (403) 238-2044

        Wind Forecasts

        Weather Underground PWS IABBAYVI2
        Connect with us:

        Contact the Club

        Racing fleets at the club:
        SanJuan 21s (website and Facebook)
        Fireballs (Fireball Alberta)

        GST #88037 2875 RT0001

        Donate to Youth Sailing

        Our youth sailing program  charitable donations are generously managed by
        Parks Foundation Calgary.

        Learn more and donate online

        Our thanks for their support!

        Thank you for your support

        McKenzie Towne

        Thank you for the grant to purchase boats and equipment for our youth sailing programs.

        Thank you for the Amateur Sport Grant to purchase boats and equipment for our youth sailing programs. 

        Thank you to the Community Initiatives Program for funding to purchase boats and equipment for our youth sailing programs.

        Community Sport Partner

        Member of

        Sail Canada
        Alberta Sailing Association 

        Upcoming events
