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Sport For Life - How to Build a Sailing Community

March 04, 2019 08:26 | Deleted user

At Glenmore Sailing Club in Calgary, you don’t even need your own sailboat to be a member. It offers special programs for people who are ex-military, has a unique partnership with the Scouts, and works every day to make their operation as inclusive as possible. This is all a part of implementing the Long-Term Sailor Development framework into their operation, as laid out by Sport for Life.

Read the full article

Club Location:
8601 24 St SW, Calgary, AB T2V 5H9
(South Glenmore Park) - view map

The Club is fully wheelchair accessible.

Mailing Address:
Box 72107, Glenmore Landing PO
Calgary, Alberta T2V 5H9

Phone: (403) 238-2044

Wind Forecasts

Weather Underground PWS IABBAYVI2
Connect with us:

Contact the  Club

Racing fleets at the club:
SanJuan 21s (website and Facebook)
Fireballs (Fireball Alberta)


GST #88037 2875 RT0001

Donate to Youth Sailing

Our youth sailing program  charitable donations are generously managed by
Parks Foundation Calgary.

Learn more and donate online

Our thanks for their support!

Thank you for your support

McKenzie Towne

Thank you for the grant to purchase boats and equipment for our youth sailing programs.

Thank you for the Amateur Sport Grant to purchase boats and equipment for our youth sailing programs. 

Thank you to the Community Initiatives Program for funding to purchase boats and equipment for our youth sailing programs.

Community Sport Partner

Member of

Sail Canada
Alberta Sailing Association